বাংলা সাহিত্য, বিজ্ঞান, ইসলামী, অনুবাদ বই

বুধবার, ২২ নভেম্বর, ২০১৭

Syed Waliullah

Date of birth : 15 August 1922 at Sholashahar in chittagong.
Father : Syed Ahmadullah (government officer).
Education : he passed the matriculation examination from Kurigram High School In 1939.
IA from Dhaka College in 1941.
graduate from Anandamohan College in Mymensingh in 1943 (with distinction ).
was unable to complete Masters in Economics (Calcutta University).
other : proficiency in both English and Bangla. He published an English journal, Contemporary. He also write for saogat, mohammadi, Bulbul, Parichay, Arani and Purbasha.
marriage : he married Anne Mariewhom in 1955.
Death : in Paris on 10 October 1971, was buried in Paris.

Novels :
Lalsalu (Tree without roots - his most famous work ), 1948
english translation - Tree Without Roots on 1967
Chander Amaboshay (Dark moon), 1964
Kando Nadi Kando (Cry, o river), 1968

Plays :
Bahipir (1960)
Tarangabhanga (1964)
Sudanga (1964)

Short Story Collection :
Nayanchara (1951)
Dui Tir O Anyanya Galpa
His first short story was 'Hathat Alor Jhalkani' published in the Dhaka College magazine.

Award :
Ekushey Padak (posthumously - 1983)

NayancharaFile size : 2.8 mb35 page


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